Catchy title, non?
I have these gorgeous wooden baby hangers that I acquired way back before Atticus was born and that have been used for BahaCoca prop shoots as well as holding up Cole and Immy's clothing for the last 5-and-then-some years. Recently I've started noticing that with the kids (and their clothes) getting bigger, the hangers aren't quite so useful as the clothes slip off (wider necklines for dresses and jackets and things means a tougher job to *balance* them on the hanger! Add to that the smallish child's approach to removing clothing from said hangers (I believe yank and fling is the technical term) and these hangers spend an awful lot of time empty, with their intended inhabitants crumpled below them.
Anyway, that small novella is all to say that I figured out a way to extend the life of these sweet wee hangers somewhat, thanks to a couple of pegs and my handy dandy glue gun. Hot gluing a peg to either *shoulder* of the hanger turns them into pants/skirt hangers that fit just perfectly for these kindergarten sized clothes. And they are ideal for Cole and Immy's school uniform bottoms, even negating the need for ironing {yay!} (you would have been treated to a mass array of maroon shorts and skorts in the pics, but it was the weekend and they were all in the wash, ha!)
This is seriously simple. I contemplated doing a tutorial but resisted since blowing your nose is probably trickier than this little project! Of course, you can get a little silly aesthetically-oriented like me, and modpodge a little scrapbook paper onto the pegs, or paint them (I just did the face of the pegs since I'm a rebel like that. Nail polish rides again!) You could also do this for any plastic baby hangers, and use plastic pegs - there are some really cute ones around! And oh boy, it's so nice to see clothing actually still attached to the hanger when I open their wardrobe!