...I just spent 3 hours on a mini-makeover to try and make my blog -if not pretty and fresh- at least less of an eyesore! Sometimes ignorance isn't so much bliss, as it is time consuming and aggravating, ha! And whilst 2 law degrees come in handy on occasion, this is not the first time I've wished I'd thrown a bit of graphic design training in there...not least of all since it is so much closer to what makes me tick and what I'd really like to do with my one wild and precious life...much as I enjoy the law.
With the exception of a few tips and tricks I have found online, I am completely self taught, and I seem to know enough with Photoshop and webbish stuff to be able to footle around a bit, enough to use 536 steps to accomplish something that can probably be achieved in 4, enough to make a decent mess, and not quite enough to figure out how to undo it half of the time! But I'd really like to get better at it...there are even some little projects I have swirling around in the ether that I think would translate really well to this medium, but trying to figure out how to spend less than 5 days on something relatively simple is where I fall down.
So for those of you who are CS5 and CSS and blahblahblah savvy, would you be kind enough to share how you got there? Do you have any suggestions on books or blogs or other things that may help? Thank you, my lovelies!