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January 28, 2012


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way,way adorable! i'll be knitting a few of these in the near future.


thanks - everybody needs more small woollen owls in their lives...then again, after seeing your blog I keep thinking of cervixes, ha!


Soooooo cute, I need to knit owls. I am not sure why I need to knit owls, but I just feel I need to.


glad you like them...clearly we have the same needs, ha!


They are darling!!! I am a BRAND new knitter, but I sure would LOVE to try one of these...or two...or three:)!! Thank you for such a beautifully written tutorial!


You should definitely try them - they are a little addicting though! If you have any worries during the process, please just yell, Im more than happy to help....hooray for bringing another crafter over to the dark side!

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