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September 13, 2011


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I so totally understand! Though I'm even more lazy and don't rewind into a ball - I just knit the new thing and frog the old thing at the same time!

You ever seen the Herringbone stitch? (shown here: http://www.purlbee.com/big-herringbone-cowl/ done as a cowl) I'd love to give this a go one day (when I have nothing more pressing to knit). Maybe that'd work for your yarn? Though, maybe not, you can always send it to me ;)


Amber, that is so generous of you to offer, lol! (Its an Aurafil merino) often work from one project to another without the ball as well...its just that I spent the ball rolling time trying to figure out what to use it for next! I love the herringbone - I had a baby blanket somewhere around somwhere that Id done in herringbone, and I confess getting a bit drooly when Purl blog posted that cowl!!!

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