Yeah, I know...enough with the titles! But what would normally be a nice chunk of alone time to craft this week has been taken hostage by a freaking leak in our ceiling (in the ensuite) that's become a bit of a mystery, destroyed part of our ceiling and made using the walk-in wardrobe next door not unlike being in a paddling pool. And has only now been resolved. Funny how visits from plumbers (x 3), roofers (x 2), men with great whopping fans and pointy pricky moisture detectors, and insurance assessors can eat into your *me* time! The above is the current state of my ensuite ceiling and will be for the next few days at least. The black pipe is a fan to dry out the area. And the choice of lining to block the ceiling whilst the fans are on - Rotorua Council rubbish bags - tickles me no end. I can't even say why it amuses me so.
(mutant hairdryers)
I'm off outside to see if I can't get some photos of quilts, and then hopefully 5 minutes to do a bit of this before I pick up the kids and have a blat around the forest (apparently Immy thinks we'll be able to see some magic flying ponies there. I just want her to lay off the 'shrooms)...
The ever-stitchy Kirsty at Kootoyou is the host of the Creative Space meme. Head on over to see some gorgeousness.