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March 30, 2010


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Intriguing... I had no idea such jobs existed. Cool.


hehehe that is fantastic Jo - and hilarious!
You are a modern human version of an encyclopedia, right?

Matteo is also at a Montessori and he LOVES it. We are totally sold on the method. Happy little guy, who is peaceful, learning and gos to creche with much enthusiasm. How are Immy and Cole doing there?


I didn't either until I saw the ad on a jobsite. It's definitely a bit different!


Kate, the kids both adore Monty as well - I can't do anything but praise it, in terms of a fit for our munchkins - although it was slightly off-putting when I went to pick them up the other day and Immy saw me, screamed and ran away to hide because she didn't want to go home (and because clearly I beat her and lock her in the cupboard!)


man u have to tell me all the ridiculous ones. Did you know that in our last year of High School Moo was obsessed for about 6 months whether Kermit and Miss Piggy actually got married!!! We never did find out a proper answer.

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