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February 08, 2010


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Budding Jacques Cousteau apprentices on your hands, I see. Sorry, Jol, I'm siding with them. Sometimes the temptation is simply too great.... LOL


I laughed so hard reading this! As a mother or nearly two year old cheeky twin girls I can't wait for the stories they come up with. Our current collection of words only consists of mummy, dad, car, fish and various animal noises so bring on the "it wasn't our fault mummy ....".


I sided with them too....I say curiosity always wins out (just don't tell the insurance company! lol)


Deb, the tidal wave is coming...prepare yourself! :) It's easily the most fun and the most chaos ...and often mind-bending logic thrown in there too. And then wait until they start *telling* on each other....fun fun times!

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