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December 17, 2009


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hahahahahahahahaha that is classic! good on her i say ;)


It is so great to see happy, healthy, cunning/obliging children Jolie. So far, I think I'd have to agree about the girls harnessing the gene earlier... but I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and watch a little longer...!!!

Love the long hair and love that your boy thinks it's a treat. And kinda love that your girl convinced him of that! It's easier to love these things about other people's children!


Oh top trykes...and I like her style x;0)

Quite honestly I think most thing would benefit from a whiff of Manilow...and if that's not asaftershave waiting to happen I dunno what is?!?

Hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and look forward to seeing your squirreled work in the New Year! x

(I can do squirrels!)

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