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November 24, 2009


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Wow, a winner, yay!

Super, thanks :)

In terms of giveaways and entries, I think that not all things will suit everyone. I've run several giveaways now, and I think the most entries I had was for a variety of different weight yarns with a promise of something to go with them. I also did an Amy Butler WIP bag I made which was popular too, although it was in Blogtober so that might have affected it. Even so, I can tell from my stats I have fewer than one entry per 3-4 hits on that page, so that must be proof it doesn't appeal to everyone.

I usually try to 'advertise' a giveaway on forums I belong to, on the Bloggers thread on Rav, and in Kiwi Knitters on Rav too :) HTH


oooh those are such good suggestions - thank you!! I didn't think of the publicity aspect (clearly been inhaling a bit too frequently with the dyes!) And you've reminded me - I must check in on the forums in Rav too...been a while!


Thankyou so much Jolie... I am both thrilled and scared at winning... thrilled to receive that gorgeous book and extra thrilled to have some of your hand dyed wool. Wow... Now the scared part... as a beginner knitter, I fear I cannot do your wool justice! Agghhh!!!

Thankyou so much. xxx

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